Sunday - December 01, 2002 Phone Slut, We Hardly Knew Ye...
Boo! Remember me?
I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack.
And pinker than ever, apparently.
Well welcome to the new phone slut diary which will, in theory, be updated much more frequently than that last version. Although I had a virgin webmaster affection for the old site, it was a bear to update and it just got too unmanageable to cope with. This design is much more practical and tres chic. No…as a matter of fact I didn't design this one myself. I got a little wiser and whined for help where it was needed.
You should, however, be able to find this is a site that is much easier to navigate as well as generally more pleasing to the eye.
I'm amazed that it's been six months. It feels like a few days. And yet, there is a great deal to report.
I have a new pet, Afro, who looks something like this:
No, he's not a Chihuahua. He's a toy fox terrier. And he's just gotten over his terrible twos (in dog years). There are some interesting things about having a pet and doing phone sex. For one thing, he keeps trying to kiss me when I'm on the phone with a screamer, I suppose his way of comforting me since he figures I'm in pain. Secondly he chewed to bits the small vibrator I used for sound effects on calls (oops). Finally, it's a bit odd when a car goes by outside and he feels inclined to bark. It's like:
Doxy: "Are you hot and hard for me baby?"
John: "Oh yes, I'm so hard -- I'm gonna fuck you so…"
Afro: *arf* *arf* *arf*
So, above-mentioned vibrator has become the "keep puppy quiet" chew toy of choice. Only in my bedroom, folks. ONLY in my bedroom.