Monday - February 17, 2003 I'm Bid 18 -- Do I Hear A 15?
Business has been dismal across the board of late. Every working girl and owner I speak with has been complaining about it. The phone sex industry used to be recession-proof, but with the current state of political affairs and people putting a strangle hold on their wallets, it has gotten dodgy. It is twice as disconcerting because this is the busy season. Girls are scrambling for second services and other sources of income. However, I am not quite ready to declare "Repent all ye phone sluts the end is near." I think the competition is just getting a little tighter and girls are working a tad harder to keep regulars happy. Although I personally have had an outbreak of oddity. Strangely obscure johns who are at once mysterious and intense, only to disappear without a trace of whence they came.
And speaking of oddity, I thought I'd illuminate some of you about a peculiarity of phoneslutdom that amuses me to no end.
Being a woman possessed of a young-ish voice I specialize in underage fantasy. In this type of exchange I am always fascinated by what I call the "underage caller auction."
Men who have fantasies about underage girls are not as perverse a group as you'd think. Although it is easy to write them off as sickening malcontents, they don't bother me. After all, I frequently have very explicit fantasies about being an underage girl who is defiled, so it stands to reason that there would be males with the ying to my yang. They make for quite stimulating calls as a matter of fact.
However, when you are dealing with this rather delicate topic, men are fairly cautious. And the dance is very comical in parts. It goes something like this:
Doxy: And what kind of fantasy are you thinking about tonight, honey?
John: Ummm. Can you pretend to be young?
Doxy: Absolutely. That's one of my favorite fantasies. How old am I?
John: Can you be sixteen?
Doxy: A tight little sixteen-year-old sex kitten? You've got it.
John: Umm…wait. How about thirteen?
Doxy: Thirteen is fine
John: How about twelve…?
So, you know, the guy wanted a twelve-year-old to start with. The bargaining down of age is hilarious to me. I can only imagine that there are phone sluts out there who feel that fifteen is perfectly acceptable, but a twelve year-old loss-of-innocence fantasy is way out of bounds. But you know, everyone has his or her limits. The fact of the matter is, Johns with this fetish are good bank because they spend an extra three minutes explaining how this is all just a fantasy and they would never, NEVER consider doing anything like this in reality.
In other news, those of you who have glanced around the site know that the shopping area is now operational (and there was much rejoicing).
So far, so good in this fairly uneventful February