Click HERE for a selection of Phone Slut banners or use the basic link method below
Directions - Buttons
1. Copy one of the below buttons to your own hard-drive.
2. Insert the following code where you'd like it to appear on your site:
<a href="" target="_blank">
<img border="0" src="LOCATION_OF_FILE/BUTTON_NAME.gif" width="100" height="35"
alt="Click to Open The Phone Slut Diary"></a>
3. The Phone Slut Diary will appear in a new window when your surfers click.
Directions - Banners
1. Copy one of the below banners to your own hard-drive.
2. Insert the following code where you'd like it to appear on your site:
<a href="" target="_blank">
<img border="0" src="LOCATION_OF_FILE/BANNER_NAME.gif" width="468" height="60"
alt="Click to Open The Phone Slut Diary"></a>
3. The Phone Slut Diary will appear in a new window when your surfers click.
File size: 7K |
psd_468x60_01 File size: 9K
psd_468x60_02 File size: 25K