Welcome To The Phone Slut Diary - Erotica, Phone Sex, Erotic Fiction



Lascivious Links

I.  Phone Sex Services

II.  SIP Sites

III.  Erotica

IV,  Journals

V. Fun Stuff

VI.  Risqué Mélange

VII. Adult Directories

VIII. Tech/Webmaster Links

IX. Link To This Site

X. Submit a Link

Phone Sex Services

HardcorePhoneSex.net - the only phone sex service that allows you to actually speak with yours truly and all my naughty friends.   Ask for Doxy, or pick someone else off the page. Then get ready for a wild ride.


SIP Sites

Adult Staffing (www.adultstaffing.com) - a great resource site for those in the industry looking for employment or employees.

ISWFACE (www.iswface.org) - the International Sex Worker Foundation for Art, Culture and Education.  An organization run by sex workers primarily for sex workers, but open to anyone who wants to learn more about SIPs, including students, researchers, academics, the media, law enforcement agencies, policy makers and of course, art lovers. The goal of this organization is to become the international clearinghouse for all the research, articles, art, culture and published information by and about people in the sex industry, past and present - domestic and international. 

Lovings (www.lovings.com) - Listings for escorts in the San Francisco Bay Area & Sacramento. Also features maassage, artists, fetish adult entertainment & more.

PunterNet (www.punternet.com) - Based in the UK, but now global, this is a database for johns who use the services of working girls.  Not only informative if you're in the market, but the bad reviews also read better than Springer episodes. 



Art         *       Fiction

What can I say? I'm a snob. Yeah, I know, I could promote porn here, and if I find a few sites that don't have a cover charge, a dozen mousetraps and aren't more difficult to navigate than my grandmother's varicose veins, I'll list them. Here's some really good erotic art and fiction to tide you over in the meantime. 


Fantasya (www.fantasya.net) - You'll get more out of this site if you brush up on those French lessons you took in high school, but there's no language barrier to stand in the way of enjoying the  erotic art and photography galleries.  

Femmefete (www.femmefete.com)- A celebration of the female form in exquisite photography.

Fine Art Nude Network (www.fineartnude.com) - Art webring dedicated to promoting non-pornographic photography of the human form and other mediums of sensual art. 

Garvgraphx (http://garvgraphx.com) - Digital pin-up. 

Goddess Art  (www.jonathonart.com) - The art of Jonathon Earl Bowser. This link takes you directly to the Boudoir Gallery; some very sensual and realistic nudes.

Incubus' Choice (www.incubuschoice.com) - A gallery listing of over 500 active sites, all centering on fine art nudes in photo and other mediums. Subjects are divided  into  Female, Male, Graphic Art, and Fetishism with various subsets.  French and English mirrors.

Jehan Legac (http://legac.net) - Digitally painted and manipulated female fetish photography.

Michelle7 (www.michele7.com) - a collection of fine art galleries that offer an artistic interpretation of the human body. The site's goal is listed as: "to promote the beautiful and artistic elements of erotica as well the artists, models, and visionaries that work for such a demanding muse."

Painted Lady Gallery (www.paintedlady.com) - The official website and online gallery of erotic artist Jack Henslee. Lavish pin-up erotica.

Retro Raunch (www.retroraunch.com) - A completely unique member site, with lavish classic content. And classic doesn't mean soft-core! I had no idea our ancestors were so naughty! If you're not interested in joining up, there is a guest tour and contests to win free memberships. 

Sanvean (www.sanvean.net) - Tastefully presented marriage of art and design with emphasis on the often hidden erotic qualities of the human form.

Yves Plateau (http://users.skynet.be/sky33733) - Painter, illustrator, digital image, and web designer. Interesting site which shows the transition from live model to various image mediums. English and French.

ErotiX Art (www.erotixart.com) - This site has been under construction lately, but I am hopeful it will return. A French/English comprehensive, well-organized collection of  pin-up art and photography. It was the web's premier site with the most extensive library of artists and their images. 


Pornokrates  (www.pornokrates.com) - Vintage erotic texts and bawdy tales.

Satin Slippers (www.satinslippers.com) - A women-oriented pro-sex site with some of the best erotic fiction on the web. Very easy to navigate, a nice library of smut, interesting weekly features, and an all-male erotic photo spread - what more does a girl need?

Click to Visit Satin Slippers Erotica and More for Women!

Scarlet Letters (www.scarletletters.com) - I'm simply going to reprint the site's self-description: established in February of 1998, includes fiction, editorials, interviews, columns, an interactive community, sex advice section, and thousands of original images from exceptional artists which have made our publication one of the most incredible displays of sexuality content and erotica online for all genders.



Diary of a Slut (www.janesguide.com/slutdiary) - A gateway into the life and sexuality of someone who challenges all convention. Heed the disclaimer well; this isn't for the faint of heart, but you'll be hard pressed to find a more compelling read. 

Heather Corinna (www.femmerotic.com/journal.html) - Corrina, Corrina, Where you been so long? (Oh, come on, like you can read that name and not hum).  What I like about the individuals I admire from distances is that they generally would dispute their admire-ability. This one frets about her dog-child, about her work, about her relationships. She is bold and she is grounded, but that doesn't keep her from the occasional neurotic fit.   She says a lot, and accomplishes more, all the while remaining an absolute inspiration. 

Kythryne Aisling - Okay, here's the bottom line.  Kyth is exactly who I want to go back and start over my 20s and be. Of course I'd have to get tattoos, learn to play about a zillion instruments and figure out a way to clone her fabulous hair. But she's another girl in the sunshine state with a delish wit and she admits to being a Trek fan. Go ahead and read her - I DARE you not to fall in love.

The Phone Sex Diaries (http://ashley.uprush.org) - A fellow phone slut who takes a different approach from mine. She puts a lot more personal insight into her journal than I do, which I suppose makes her braver than yours truly. It is nice to see things from the other side of the looking glass on occasion. 

Pornographer's Diary (www.millerswork.com/features/diary.html) - Home of the Sex Diary Burb, and a place that gives you a glimpse into the personal and professional life of a woman  who speaks the language of sex like a native tongue.  There aren't many bisexual,  polyamorous, sex-industry, sex-positive, 50-year-old  feminists out there who are willing to be vulnerable and share intimately about their lives like Lydia does.  I dare you to read one entry and not be addicted.

Sex Geek (www.sex-geek.com) - Meet Rose and enter into a  site that chronicles the  honest ramblings of an over-40, ex- prostitute, and former lesbian separatist who is now happily married to a self-confessed computer geek. Rose  embraces sex and art as the siblings they are and it radiates throughout her journal so earnestly and beautifully that you'll hurt when she hurts - smile when she smiles. 

The Real Diary Critic  (http://diary_critic.blogspot.com/) - The cyber headquarters of  Elioise Moosehead. Although she's sort of an Ebert without a Siskel to balance her out, she does offer her own candid reviews of online journals.  The criteria is a little arbitrary, but then that's part of the privilege of being a critic. Definitely worth a glance even if she reads a little sex-phobic.  If you're looking to submit to her, I'd read her a bit first and get a feel for the limits of her scope. She doesn't seem to extend her critical impartiality to include innovative journal projects that extend beyond her pre-determined boundaries.


Fun Stuff

Adult Paper Dolls  - Sure, you roll your eyes now, but go and try it. You'll be playing with it for an hour.

I'm a Cow by Rmt- Music video about the lament of a sexually abused bovine. 

Moan Puzzle - A jigsaw that's gettin' jiggy with it. (Or so you'd think)


Risqué Mélange

Divine Interventions (www.divine-interventions.com) - Sexual toys with a religious twist. Home of the Baby Jesus Butt Plug. Some things you just have to see for yourself.

Good Vibrations (www.goodvibes.com) - A sex-positive, woman-friendly adult boutique, started back in 1977 by Joani Blank (sex therapist and educator). This is adult merchandising with a proud spiritual retail philosophy and fun, not dimly-lit corridors of sleeze and ignorance. Don't miss the antique vibe museum. Also, the last time I purchased something from there, there was a 10% SIP discount, but you had to inquire about it. Not sure if that's still in practice. Quality sex merchandise with a staff that knows what the hell they're talking about.


Adult Directories

DMOZ (http://dmoz.org/adult) - The adult area of the open directory project. This directory is reviewed by real people, sorted, and hand-picked. A monumental effort, and, I think, a good result.

Jane's Guide (www.janesguide.com) - The premier adult directory listing on the net. There are quality link reviews with hand-selected best picks determined by Jane's team of reviewers.  There's a lot here, but they try their best to help the goodies stand out amid the cotton-candy jungle of content that very few other sites on the net can hold a candle to.

Lady Lynx (www.ladylynx.com) - Once you get passed the advertising, this is a nicely organized adult link directory firmly focused upon erotica and porn for women. 

Very-Koi (http://very-koi.net) - A sensual hodge-podge of photos, tutorials, erotic fiction, and reviewed links. Koi has a lot of quality content, and you can tell she really has fun with it.  


Tech & Webmaster Links

Amateur Masters (http://live.amateurmasters.com) - A resource for amateurs to get the right information from the right people. Tips, & straight-up 411  INCLUDING a live weekly webradio show!

Graphics By Tia (www.graphicsbytia.com)  - Adult web design. Ads, logos, mainstream, niche - it doesn't matter how big or small the project is, they got you covered - and they're not happy until you're happy. Creative, sleek, and sexy they produce eye-catching eye candy at reasonable prices. 

Koi Media - (http://koimedia.com) - The best web hosts a site could ask for. 


Phone Sex Pays (http://phonesexpays.com/) - $1 per minute payout. A unique  program that doesn't compete with content sites and other affiliate programs.

Retro Raunch Affiliate Program: A n affiliate program with a sense of style.  Unique, award-winning erotica.

Script School (www.scriptschool.com) - A free program that offers script lessons in various programming languages. This teach-a-webmaster to fish approach breaks learning down over weekly course lessons. Live radio program, irc chat room, boards, and other resources. 


Link To This Site

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Submit a Link for Review

If you'd like me to list your link here, please submit it to me for review by Clicking Here. Reciprocating links are appreciated, but not required. If I like your content, I like your content. I will not list sites with mousetraps, multiple pop-ups, or so many link banners that you can't discern the unique content.



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Please don't steal from me, I know people who can make sure you're not identifiable from dental records.