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Saturday - June 14, 2003
Where Did June Come From

Generally, I don't do this, but that's only because I rarely like the results of these "Which X Are You" type things. However, for whatever it's worth, I think Kate is the bee's knees and I was tickled pink when she popped up at the end of my quiz. Go me.

Which Silver Screen Siren Are You?

Which Silver Screen Siren Are You?

I'm giving you fair warning at this point -- this is going to be a loooooong entry. I honestly don't know if I have the energy to go into all this, but I feel I should. I am concerned that there are still a lot of phone sluts out there thinking they're going to sneak through this whole PayPal thing and I'm worried you all are going to get royally screwed. So, I am presenting for you the Adventures of Doxy in PayPal Land : A Tale in Letters. This is the whole ordeal I had to go through to get my PayPal account unfrozen. Click HERE to go directly to it. If you're still using PayPal, or you've even been too lazy to remove the buttons from your site, I cannot encourage you strongly enough to empty your account and wipe everything from your site. After that, if you choose to accept quasi-cash payments from strangers for things like "website design" or "technical writing" or "customer service" or "entertainment" that's your business. (say no more, say no more, wink wink, nudge nudge).

As alternative providers go, the only ones I'm currently hearing about that accept phone sex are Storm Pay and proBilling. Once again, just because an alt payment providers accepts adult services doesn't mean they accept audio text services. Protect yourself and find out up front instead of just "assuming."

Both Storm Pay and proBilling have confirmed for me that they accept audio text and well, why shouldn't they? They're charging you from every direction at rates higher than PayPal ever dreamed of. But, you know, if you don't have a merchant account and you need to accept payment via an on-line, welcome to world of choices numbering few.

Oh…many of you have written regarding curiosity to Strongarm DeSinn. You may or may not care to know that I got a very cryptic message from him following my last entry, letting me know that he was, if nothing else, alive. He expressed displeasure over being featured in the diary, which was a surprise to me because he constantly complained that he was never mentioned in the diary before. I've written him off, and I'm not all that chuffed about it. Different strokes as they say…no pun intended.

I've also been enjoying the audio company of two very unique individuals who've taken to frequenting my naughty wares. Donald Trojanhos and Rajah Ahee Warnings.

Rajah has been calling for a while now and he's a fun conundrum of juxtaposition. We chat for hours about fantastical creatures (we jokingly brought up the succubus fantasy I'd discussed in a previous entry and suddenly had a really captivating super-natural bdsm trip on our hands) and situations where we pretty much fuck to death. Always a fascinating, intellect-consuming call. Mind fucking as an art form.

Donald is newer, and quickly becoming someone I look forward to speaking to on a dangerous level. Remind me to get into another rant about the tightrope walk between "Grade A John" and "Person I could likely befriend and debate film with." *whimper* Of course, it also doesn't hurt that he harvests from a taboo garden strikingly resembling mine. *double whimper*

Okay. I'm going to ramble about some site and industry stuff and then close here. Because…you know…I think I'm on page 12 now.

1. The Notify list is working again. I just recently discovered it had been freakishly misdirected to the phonesex pop-up. Some silly java script goof about having more than one pop-up per page. Next time someone please write me if there's something wonky with the site, please. Let's be vigilant, people. We're on like code orange or aubergine or something. (Aside: can someone please explain to me how in three pages of entries doesn't ONCE list aubergine as a synonym for PURPLE and MS Word keeps wanting me to change it to aborigine? Is it really THAT exotic a word? Don't coders watch Changing Rooms for fuck's sake?).

2. New Service. I have added a new dispatch service to the Services to Work For section - PSB Associates. They are currently the only dispatch service listed alongside Gemini. Please note that I have removed The Dr. Susan Block Institute. I'm not going to go into detail, but I did want to point out that it's been removed.

3. New resources. If you're looking for new traffic exchange, try these:

All Earth Phone Sex

I'm going to gather up some good traffic exchange resources and put them on their own page in the resources section. But you know. Not today.

4. New resource. I'd also like to make phone sluts aware that there is also an EZ community group located HERE. For those of you who tried it once before -- it's been reopened and is fully moderated now by the owner of KBW. It really has the potential to be a good community for PSOs if anything does. Only, please be careful. Like anywhere, don't take anything as gospel without doing a little research yourself. Not everyone will know as much as they boast or claim, and you can't really trust your "competition" to give you 100% honest advice (said the phone slut running a phone sex resource site. Hypocrisy -- it's what's for dinner).

All for now. Ta!

PayPal's Letters are in Blue
Mine are in Bold
(personal information has been replaced to protect the wicked)

Subj: Notification of PayPal Limited Account Access
Date: 5/6/03 12:51:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]

Dear Xxx Xxx,

PayPal is constantly working to ensure the integrity of our payment
network by performing frequent examinations of our system.

During this process we reviewed your site and account activity and
in accordance with Section 11 of the User Agreement, your account
has been closed for the following reason:

* engaging in activity expressly prohibited under the Acceptable Use

Due to the severity of the violation, or your account(s) history of
repeated violations, your account will be permanently locked and will
not be reopened for future use.

You may request funds by responding to the email address provided below.  We will release your funds by either mailing a check to the address linked to the account or by bank transfer.

Please respond to [email protected] with this information.

PayPal Compliance Department

Please do not reply to this e-mail. Mail sent to this address
cannot be answered. For assistance, please visit the link below.
All of the information necessary to restore your account access is
available at: (Link removed)


Subj: Regarding Limited Account for [email protected]
Date: 5/9/03 3:44:54 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From:  [email protected] (Xxx Xxx)
To:  [email protected] ([email protected])

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing this letter in keeping with the instructions provided to me by Ms. Yyy Yyy (402-935-50XX) in regards to my account ([email protected] / XXX-XXX-XXXX) that is now restricted and, apparently, according to an email sent to me -- scheduled to be closed.

First, I would like to point out that this is my personal account which has never been involved with my previous business account ([email protected]). As I'm sure you can readily verify, the [email protected] account has been closed, also at the recommendation of Ms. Yyy.

Although I am not clear how my personal account ended up being frozen while my business account was left alone (other than the fact that one has funds and the other does not), the fact remains that it happened and now I am hoping you can assist me in returning my personal account to active status.

To my knowledge this all started back at the start of April when I got a phone call from a PayPal representative named Troy. Although I have since misplaced Troy's contact information, Ms. Yyy assured me that you would know whom I was referring to.

In Troy's contact with me, he began by assuring me that I have done nothing wrong. He was calling to inform me that any use of PayPal for audio-text services was unauthorized and that I had to remove all PayPal buttons, etc from my site. I was given 48 hours to do so, and I did so within 8 hours of Troy's notification.

The next day, after talking to some of my acquaintances in the industry who also used PayPal, I called Troy back to ask him if it was possible to leave up a button for site donations and gratuities that were NOT in payment for an adult service or subscription. Troy replied that it was an issue there was some debate about, but that it should be okay for me to leave it and if anything changed I would be notified.

I find it difficult to believe that I was supposed to take from that that
my "notification" would be the cancellation of my personal account.

Within 48 hours of Troy's call I made alternative payment arrangements and removed all the buttons from my site, except for the Gratuities/Donations button. Had I been told to remove that, I would have removed it as well. As you can tell by looking at the previous account history of my site, there has been significantly less activity on the [email protected] account since that time -- reflecting my adherence with the new policy.

All of this -- I feel the need to point out again -- was on the
[email protected] account and unrelated to the suspended [email protected] account. No direct payments were ever made to my personal account from the site, although I did, at times, transfer monies from one account to the other.

I am, therefore, requesting that my personal PayPal account be reinstated. I have complied with all provisions asked of me within their specified timeframes. In addition, today at the suggestion of Ms Yyy, I have removed the donations/gratuities button from my site and have closed the [email protected] account. I believe I have more than demonstrated my willingness to comply and abide by the PayPal terms of service. I have made every attempt to follow all instructions provided to me in a prompt and professional manner and do not appreciate my money being held hostage in this manner.

If you would take the time to look over my account history, it will verify what I've said here. And if you would contact Troy, I'm sure he will also verify all I've said.

I appreciate your help and your promptness in this matter.

Xxx Xxx
[email protected]


Subj: Re: Regarding Limited Account for [email protected]
Date: 5/8/03 10:39:55 AM Eastern Daylight Time
From:  [email protected] ([email protected])
To:  [email protected] (Xxx Xxx)

Dear Xxx Xxx,

Thank you for contacting PayPal.

We apologize for the confusion regarding PayPal's Mature Audiences Policy. As you may or may not know, PayPal will no longer be available as a payment processor for adult digital or audio text products after May 12 or any adult related products after June 12. If we were able to contact you previously you were given several options to remain within the PayPal system including removing any references to PayPal as a payment processor within 48 hours of contact. Site and URL monitoring by PayPal Compliance indicates that references to PayPal were found on your site after the 48 hour grace period, thus your account was restricted.

Please refer to the following link for more information:

If you would like to appeal the limited access on your account, all information, verbage and the processing of payments will need to cease.  If your account is to be found in violation again after being reopened, your account will be closed with no further use and no appeals.  Please respond to this email once all request are completed.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us again.

PayPal Compliance Department


Subj: Re: Regarding Limited Account for [email protected]
Date: 5/9/03 3:44:54 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From:  [email protected] (Xxx Xxx)
To:  [email protected] ([email protected])

Dear Sir or Madam,

As I wrote previously, to the best of my knowledge, I have removed any and all methods for PayPal payments from my site. I have also closed the account that was affiliated with that website.

I am requesting a review of my account in consideration for it being re-instated. The account you have restricted is my personal account and never had anything to do with any kind of adult business. As mentioned above, the account that was associated with adult business has now been closed.

I am confident that you will be able to verify what I've stated here and expect the full reinstatement of my account as soon as possible.

Xxx Xxx
[email protected]


Subj: Your PayPal Account has been Restored
Date: 5/9/03 3:39:44 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From:  [email protected]
To:  [email protected]
Dear Xxx Xxx,

We have completed our review and have restored your account.
Thank you for your patience during this process and for helping
to make PayPal the safest and most trusted online payment solution.


The PayPal Account Review Department


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